MDPhoto is a photography database that can help you organising , taking and syncing photos. We have a quick start with steps :

Register ! 

Without registering MDPhoto can’t sync your photos to Dropbox and you can’t use patient functions. Only registered and logged in users can able to sync their photos to Dropbox. 

Get a Dropbox Account ( It’s free too ! )

By registering to Dropbox you’ll have 2 gbs of free storage to backup your photos. After 2 gb MDPhoto will not sync to Dropbox and will give you error. You can go one with paid plans or free up some space in your Dropbox account.

After registering and getting your username and password MDPhoto will ask for your Dropbox username and password. It’ll not asked if you re-install MDPhoto for any reason. Click here to get a free account.


For using the app you should register or login. In IOS version you can click Register or Login.

You’ll be redirected to Settings Screen please click to Register

Please fill all fields. All are necessary for registeration. Please check your email address in a case of lost password you’ll be informed via your email address.

After registration you’ll automatically login and Patient Functions will be avaible. Please click to add a new patient.

After filling the patients information you can click the check icon.

By clicking the Camera icon you will be redirected to photo capture screen. Photos of patients can be listed by the most left icon and patient info can also edited.

In Photo Capture Screen you have options like Torch and Flash for taking an optimum photo

Patients Photos will be listed and Overlay , Preview and other icons are functional in Photo List Screen. You’ll select a photo and can use overlay function for taking an bef0re-after photo

Photo Capture Screen with Overlay has a progress bar for helping you selecting the transperancy of template photo.

We hope to enjoy it ! Please contact us with the information listed below if you have any problems