MDPhoto and MDExam Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is also valide for MDExam application.

This Privacy Policy was last modified on 14.04.2019

MDPhoto operates as an mobile phone application and uses for information purposes. MDPhoto has an https web service for communicating with your application located at address This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information we receive from users of the Site.

Usage of your photos

MDPhoto will transfer your medical photographs only to your private Dropbox account. You will verify your dropbox account one time after you install MDPhoto and you will not be asked again for your dropbox account username and password until a new install.

By verifying your account MDPhoto will transfer your photo files as a verified app to your MDPhoto directory listed under Dropbox’s App directory. We will not temporarily or permanently store your photo files in another host or web space. If we select another store option we will inform you in a new app update. Dropbox uses secure https connection while transfering your photo files.

Usage of your private personal and contact data

We collect your personal data for showing relevante sponsoring messages and ads. We will not share your personal and contact data any other third party company.

We will inform you with push messages only one times in a week. This push notifications and messages topic can be scientific events or ads if we need badly money for development of our app.

Sponsorship messages and ads will take place only in our main screen that have Sync functionality. You will not be bothered with extra ads in our app.

Security of your connection

We are using a 256 bit secure algorithm for protecting your private personal and contact information while connecting our server at It’s nearly unbreakable if you not offended your locale security service our a well known hacker.

The security of your Personal Information is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Log Data

Like many app, we collect information that your app sends whenever you connect to our server. This Log Data may include information such as your mobile phones (“IP”) address, operation system, operation system version.We can collect also information about errors you may encounter without your prompt permission. Error data will contain information like our log data.  

Health and stability of your patient data and photo files

First of all we do not offer any type a warranty the existence of your patient database , patient information or photo files. We are not a data storage service will backup your patient data and photos. We offer this backup options for securing your valuable information :

  • Exporting your data with ITunes for direct backup your hard drive
  • Auto backup to ICloud if you have enabled it
  • Exporting your photo files if you have enabled “ Store photos in photo library “ in our Settings screen. Photos will automatically exported to your pc or mac in connection with your computer.
  • Sync with dropbox

As you see we understand the importance of your data while we are doctors in our team ! But if all things gone wrong in a very bad day we are sorry but we havent any thing to do for this. Please backup and sync frequently and dont sue us.

Privacy of patients photos and personal information

User is the main person who will protect patient photo files and private information. MDPhoto developers and team will not accept any responsibility in a case of broken patient privacy rules by user.

Warranty of service and app stability

While we are a new app we dont offer any type of warranty for service and sync or app stability.